Wednesday 17 December 2014

Today was our last day of Junior edge for 2014, and what a great year it has been!
We look forward to 2015, when Kids@edge recommences on February 8th.

We have said good-bye to Meg and Ezekiel, as they are now part of Edge youth. We pray that they will continue to grow in their knowledge of and love for Jesus, and seek to always make him number 1 in their lives.

Of course, we will always welcome them back if ever they want to be helpers in any of the kids@edge areas. 

Have a very happy Christmas and a great holiday everyone!

Sunday 7 December 2014


Next Sunday, as well as celebrating Jesus' birthday, we will also be celebrating a great year of Junior edge!
How quickly the year has gone - it doesn't seem that long ago that we were talking about being Flipt by Jesus.
We continually need to allow Jesus to flip our lives and way of thinking so that we can live God's way and not our way.

Make sure you don't miss out on our last week of Junior edge, Kool kids and mini edge!