Saturday 25 February 2017

Today we heard how Jesus brought Lazarus back to life again, even though he had been dead for 4 days! It is always sad when someone we love dies; even Jesus cried when Lazarus died. However, we need to remember that Jesus will be around after we die – that’s why it’s important to be his friend now. When we are a friend of Jesus we don’t have to be afraid of death because we know we will live forever with God.

Our Bible verse for this week is,
I want you to know about the great and mighty power that God has for us followers.  It is the same wonderful power he used when he raised Christ from death and let him sit at his right side in heaven. Ephesians 1:19&20

Learn and receive a sticker

Saturday 18 February 2017

Not only did Jesus have power over nature, but today we saw how Jesus had power over sickness and the power to forgive sins!
The Jewish leaders were right when they said only God can forgive sins. However, Jesus proved he had power to forgive sins by doing something impossible - healing the crippled man.
So, who is this man? THIS MAN IS GOD!
Jesus did have power to forgive sins because he is God. Jesus knew the crippled man needed to have his sins forgiven more than he needed to be able to walk again.
It is the same for all of us. We need forgiveness for disobeying God far more than anything else – and Jesus has the power to do just that!!  

Our Bible verse for this week is,
I want you to know about the great and mighty power that God has for us followers.  Ephesians 1.19

Learn this verse and receive a sticker

Saturday 11 February 2017



It’s fun to think about superheroes and superpowers isn’t it?  Flying, seeing through walls, or even being invisible.  It would be so cool to be able to do something like.  Something no one else could do.
When Jesus was on earth, many people thought of him as a kind of superhero because he did many incredible things.

This week we heard from Emma and Ashley about how Jesus showed his amazing power by calming a storm. The disciples could hardly believe what they had seen and said to each other, “Who is this man?” After such a display of power this was definitely a good question!

God, who has powers greater than we can imagine, sent his son Jesus to use those powers for good and to get the people’s attention so he could tell them about God and His love.

Our Bible verse for this week is,
I want you to know about the great and mighty power that God has for us followers.  Ephesians 1.19

Learn this verse and receive a sticker

Saturday 4 February 2017


                                Up in the sky!
                                    Is it a bird?
                                   Is it a plane?
It’s . . .

Next week at Junior edge!

     LiViNG LEGeND 


More challenges – more fun

More superhero and it’s only just begun!