Sunday 8 February 2015

It was so good to see so many people back at Junior edge today! We give a special welcome to Dana, Noah and Kevin as they have come up from Kool Kids to Junior edge.
Today we learnt about baptism - that it isn’t just about getting wet! It is a symbol, or sign, that a person has said sorry to God for disobeying him, has believed that Jesus took the punishment for his/her sin when he died on the cross and has chosen to live God’s way.
Baptism is also a symbol of Jesus dying, being buried and coming alive again. (see Romans 6:4) When someone is baptised, it is like they are saying that they have died to sin and they have become a new person, that their life has changed.
When people get baptized, it shows they have made a very important choice! They have chosen to make Jesus the Leader and Saviour of their lives. It is the beginning of a great adventure as a Christian.

The question for this week: Why should we be baptised? (3 stickers if you get all 3 reasons!)

Our Bible verse to learn and remember:
. . . all who share in Christ Jesus by being baptised also share in his death. Romans 6:3

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