Sunday 25 October 2015

This season is all about how to “Step Out and Shine.” Today we talked about a guy who did all the things we’ve learned in Stars. In the story, we saw him “Choose to Be Different.”  We saw that he decided to “Trust in the Lord”, always praying before he did anything. And we also saw him “Search For the Things of God” as he asked god for wisdom to do what was right.
If we are going to “Step Out and Shine”, we have to “Choose to Be Different” by doing the right thing, even when others don’t agree. We need to “Trust in the Lord” when things get confusing.
And just like with Nehemiah, it means we have to “Search For the Things of God!” which includes his wisdom and his commands.
When we do all this, we will be ready to “Step Out and Shine!” And the world will take notice and be impacted for God!
This week’s ‘Big Idea:

Our Bible verse to learn and remember:
So that you may become blameless and pure, ‘children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.’ Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.”
Philippians 2:15

The BIG Challenge:
By the end of this series, if you can repeat ALL of the BIG IDEAS and/or Bible memory verses you will receive a very special prize.

We had our first practice for the elderly people’s home visit today. What a celebration! God’s Son became a tiny baby so that we can be Forever Friends with him. That’s what the song we learnt today is all about- GOOD THINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES.

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