Sunday 28 February 2016


Today we ‘met’ a couple of kids who live in a slum –Azijul and Taniya. We also heard about Billy, a modern day ‘Good Samaritan’. Billy runs the Kakanada Children’s Home, a place for kids whose parents have died or whose parents have abandoned them because they are too poor to care for them.
At KCH these kids have a home; they are fed, they go to school, they receive medical treatment when they are sick, they learn about Jesus. They are loved.

Well done to all those who acted out the parable of the ‘Good Rag-piker’. You all did a great job!
The poor are not treated well in India. Many people ignore them because they are “dirty”. They are often not helped at hospitals or banks, and they are often hassled by police. But Jesus wants us to treat others differently. Jesus told us to . . .

2 Stickers for learning THIS WEEK’S BIBLE MEMORY VERSE:
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, love your neighbour as yourself.

Luke 10:27

JUST A REMINDER: Next week is the Family Service. There is no Junior Edge next week.
See you on the 13th March.

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