Sunday 22 May 2016

Only two weeks to go until the Children’s Service. Don’t forget to practice your parts this week, and for those who need to memorise their lines it would be great if you could have them done by next Sunday.

Once again, thanks to the grade 1&2 kids and leaders for organizing the ice-cream sale for KCH. A cool $302.80 was raised!!

Some important dates for you to remember:
May 29th (next Sunday) – Full practice for the Children’s Service.
June 4th  (Saturday) – Full rehearsal for the Children’s Service at Edge 3.00pm - 4.30pm. Please make every effort to be there for this as it is our only practice on stage, using microphones, props, instruments, etc.
June 5th  – Children’s Service: Xtreme Worship - Worshiping an Xtreme God

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