Sunday 18 December 2016



As the year comes to a close, we can look back on the year we’ve just finished, and we can be thankful. We can be thankful that it’s over, but we can also be thankful for all the great things that happened over that year. We can think about the good times God gave us, and we can think about the bad times when he carried us through. As we think through all these things, we can praise God and thank him for his goodness.

For some of you, this year was the best year yet. Everything was awesome, beginning to end, except maybe the homework. Your family’s doing great. You have great friends by your side. You learned a lot, and you have much to be thankful for. Praise God for his blessings, and praise him for giving you such a good year.

I’m sure there are some who didn’t have such a good year. Maybe it was tough academically. Maybe it was tough at home. Maybe the one thing you’re most thankful for is that this year is finally over. Whatever hardships you may have faced, God was with you, just as he was with the Israelites when they were in Egypt. He never forgot about you, and as tough as things were, he got you here, to the end of another year and the start of a new one.

Through good and through bad, God has been with all of us this year. God has given us blessings, and he has given us comfort. He’s given us new friends, and he’s taught us new things. God will be with us over the holidays, and he will be with us in the new year.
Let’s be thankful that God has seen us through another year filled with his goodness and his blessings. Praise God for the end of school, and praise him for the holidays ahead!

Our Bible verse for this week is,

“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.” -Psalm 77:11-12


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