Monday 27 March 2017




Today we heard the story of Zacchaeus – a man who nobody liked. Zacchaeus had no friends because he was dishonest and a cheat. But Jesus chose HIM to have dinner with because he loved him. Jesus accepted Zacchaeus as he was and Zacchaeus changed!

Jesus accepts us as we are; he wants to be our friend, too. When we choose to become a follower of Jesus the Holy Spirit changes us to become more like Jesus – just as Zacchaeus did.
Remember, nothing can stop Jesus loving you!

Our Bible verse for this week is,
I want you to know about the great and mighty power that God has for us followers.  It is the same wonderful power he used when he raised Christ from death and let him sit at his right side in heaven. Ephesians 1:19&20
Learn this verse and receive a sticker

Don’t forget Junior edge is on break until Sunday, April 23rd!

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