Arty the Ant - story with illustrations by Peter Hensworth with Jasmine, Joshua G, Anna and Isaac

Arty the Ant

There was once an ant called Arty. Every day he woke up early in the morning and spent the whole day finding and collecting food for the nest. Every day was the same, up at dawn, work all day and go to bed exhausted at night.

Then one morning Arty thought. ‘I am tired of working all day. I think today I’ll stay home and watch the grass grow and eat that chip crumb I found under Nathanael’s  bed.
So Arty collected his crumb and settled back for a quiet day, wondering to himself why he hadn’t thought to have a day off earlier.

Well, as all of you know, Ants are very organised insects and it wasn’t long before someone realized that Arty was missing. And Alex Ant, Arty’s older brother – who was a soldier ant, was sent to look for him.

Alex knocked on Arty’s door and then let himself in. ‘Arty, what are you doing lying there in bed…are you sick?’
‘No’, Arty replied. ‘It’s my day off.’
Day off!’ shouted Alex. ‘We don’t get days off in Summer. We have a strict schedule to follow. Now get up. We need to hurry and catch up to the others.’
Arty moaned and put his pillow over his head.

‘All I do is hurry…’, complained ArtyIt’s quick Arty, there’s a piece of Taco over there or Hurry Arty, there’s a sun flower seed over there…get it before that pigeon does – As if I can take on a pigeon.’
‘Now Arty, the nest needs you…’ reminded Alex patiently.

Arty was annoyed. ‘No they don’t. They won’t notice if I stay home. There has to be at least 10,000 others doing the same job as me. I am sure they can manage with 9,999 today. Besides, who are you to tell me to hurry. All you do is stand around all day…’

I might look to you like I stand around all day,’ replied Alex, defensively. ‘But just last week our nest was stepped on by Linda while she was hanging out the washing. If I hadn’t given her a good nip we’d all have been turned into ant pate. You workers all run away while we soldier ants run towards the danger.’

You are right,’ replied Arty sadly. ‘ I’m just a worker and not important like you are. So who will care if I stay home today?’

‘We are all important,’ Alex corrected him. ‘If you and all the other workers stopped gathering food, all us soldiers would starve. We need you, all of you to look for food. What if today was the day you were going to find ½ a snicker’s bar and you chose to stay home instead?’

‘But I don’t like snickers…’ Arty argued. ‘I have a nut allergy.’

‘Well, dairy milk then,’ replied Alex. ‘The point is you are an important part of the nest. The Queen depends on you to help search for food. Because when winter comes it will be too late. We all have to work together so we can keep the nest going.

What if tomorrow the other 9,999 worker ants decided to stay home while you work? Where would that leave you?  Come on Arty, I’ll help you find your spot in the line. It isn’t too late to catch up’.

‘Am I really that important to the Queen?’ Arty asked

‘Of course you are!’ replied Alex.

So Arty clambered out of bed. ‘OK then, but will you teach me how to nip? I’d like to have a turn at’…

We are all parts of God’s body. It takes every one of us to make it complete, for we each have different work to do. So we belong to each other, and each needs all the others.
Romans 12:5

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