Sunday 31 August 2014

Junior edge – What a great job all the kids have done! Some amazing posters have been created! It was so good to see the kids working together, sharing ideas and helping one another! The posters depict various symbols related to God’s Word, the Bible. Be sure to check them out next Sunday, as they will be displayed in the foyer of the church.

Our Bible verse to learn and remember:
Timothy 3: 16.  All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults and giving instruction for right living.

Keep going – some of you are getting close to memorizing all the books. You have two weeks to memorize the next section as there is no Junior edge next week.
This week’s challenge: Genesis – Hebrews

Next Sunday is not only our Family service, but Father’s Day as well!

Check out the God and Me page of this blog.

Footsteps@Edge Thursdays, 4pm-5pm, for primary school kids.
Email Jess for more info:

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