Sunday 10 August 2014

Today, in Junior edge, we heard about two very different kings from the Old Testament of the Bible. King Jehoiakim was a bad king. He disobeyed God. He was an evil king. God asked Jeremiah, the prophet to write his words on a scroll. God said he was angry with King Jehoiakim and the people but if they asked for forgiveness he would not punish them.
But King Jehoiakim did not obey God’s words. Instead he cut up the scroll and threw it into the fire. As a result, King Jehoiakim was killed.

King Josiah, however, was a good king. He obeyed God. One of the things King Josiah did was to organize for the temple be repaired It was during this time that the high priest found a book that contained the laws that God had given Moses. When King Josiah heard what was in the book he became very upset because he realized his people had not been obeying God. But then King Josiah promised to obey God and to live his way. He asked his people to make the same promise and obey God. 
We also learned that the Bible is like a mirror. It shows us what we are really like – the good and the bad. When we read the Bible and don’t do what it says, it is like someone who looks in the mirror and then, when he/she walks away, forgets what he/she looks like!
This week’s question: What do we need to do when we read God’s instructions in the Bible?

Our Bible verse to learn and remember:
Timothy 3: 16.  All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults and giving instruction for right living.

How are you going with learning the books of the Bible? Some people have already learnt them all! Well done to those people!
Don’t forget you will receive a very special prize once you have achieved this challenge.

This week your challenge is to know ALL the books of the Old Testament (Genesis to  Malachi)

Check out the God and Me page of this blog to learn more about the Bible.

Footsteps@Edge Thursdays, 4pm-5pm, for primary school kids.

Email Jess for more info:

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