Sunday 16 November 2014

16th November
Today we started our new series, 'A Candy Cane Christmas'. Around Christmas time we can see candy canes in the shops, hanging on the tree, on a bowl on the table. But what do they have to do with Christmas?
If we turn the candy cane upside down, we have the letter 'J'. J is for Jesus, the reason we celebrate Christmas.
When Joseph heard that Mary was to have a baby, he didn't know what to do - until an angel came to him in a dream. The angel told him that the baby Mary was going to have was very special. It was going to be a boy and he was to call him JESUS because he would save his people from their sins.

(Mary) will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21

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