Saturday 22 November 2014

The candy cane is the shape of a shepherd's crook.
When God sent his Son to this earth as a baby, whom did he invite to see him? A king? A president? Some famous person? NO! Just a few shepherds they weren't educated men, they weren't rich, and they certainly weren't famous. They were simply a group of men who looked after sheep. They were poor and probably dirty and a bit smelly.
So why would God choose them to be his Son's first visitors?
To show us that Jesus came for everyone. He didn't come just for the rich, the famous, or the powerful. He came for shepherds, tax collectors, for the poor, for the sick and for the lonely.
As followers of Jesus we need to tell everyone about Jesus - our friends, our classmates, even people we don't like very much or who are mean to us.

. . . I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Saviour has been born today in Bethlehem . . . Luke 2:10b, 11

Don't miss out on two exciting events coming up:

Thursday 27th November 4-5pm

CHRISTMAS OUTREACH - Sunday 7th December
4.00pm Fun and games for all the family
5.00pm Carols
6.30pm Pot luck dinner
Be sure to invite your friends!

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