Sunday 23 August 2015

Today we learnt about a man named Job. He is a star to us, because he trusted God, even when things seemed confusing and unfair! Although Job’s three friends meant no harm, the things they said to him were wrong. Friends like that seem to have the loudest voice and it can make us awfully confused!
God reminded Job that God is in control of all things! There was nothing Job could do that would change any of that. Job remembered that God’s plans are bigger than anything anybody else could tell him! God is in control. Job realized that he himself had no answer for the things of God. When Job remembered these things, his heart was turned back to trusting in God no matter what!

You can’t expect to hear what God has for your life if you allow everyone else tell you what they think is important! You have to tune out your friends and listen to God’s voice only! It’s the only way we will be able to do what our Big Idea for today says and “Trust God No Matter What Others Say!”

So what is this week’s ‘Big Idea’?


Our Bible verse to learn and remember:
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

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