Saturday 8 August 2015

Today’s ‘Star’ was Joseph. Joseph was able to CHOOSE TO BE DIFFERENT because he knew God was there beside him, giving him strength to live God’s way.
Remember the illustration of the lobsters?
If we try to cook several lobsters in a large pot by putting them in cold water and then bringing the water slowly to the boil, we have a problem! As one lobster begins to notice the temperature rise, it looks for a way out. Once it has found the way, the other lobsters will simply try to freeload and pull themselves out of the water by climbing on the back of the lobster who is already pulling himself out. In return, this lobster is pulled back into the water. They may repeat this cycle several times before the water gets so hot that it overtakes them and they begin to finally cook!

Joseph seemed to have everyone around him pulling him down. His brothers beat him up, he was sold to slave drivers, he had Potiphar’s wife lie about him, he was left in prison, forgotten, for two years. He could have easily given up. But he remained faithful to God and continued to live God’s way. God honoured this, and took care of him!
That’s what God will do for us, if we can just resist letting others pull us down! So remember, Refuse to be dishonoured!

So what is this week’s ‘Big Idea’?

Our Bible verse to learn and remember:
Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Romans 12:2

The secret to CHOOSING TO BE DIFFERENT is allowing God to change the way we think. Then we will do what is right and live God’s way.

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