Sunday 13 July 2014

Today, in Junior edge, Waffle (that yellow fluffy puppet) discovered an amazing book – the Bible. This book is actually a whole heap of books put together. The incredible thing about this book is that it is alive and active for God speaks to us through it! We learnt that it is like a two-edged sword because it goes deep into our thoughts and shows us where we are wrong and, if we allow it, can change us.
I wonder if the Evil Genius really knows what he is trying to steal?
This week’s question: How many books are actually in the Bible?

Remember to learn the Bible verse for this week:
2 Timothy 3: 16. All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error . . .

The BIG challenge for this term is to learn all the books of the Bible from memory. There will be a special prize for those that achieve this by the end of the term!

This week’s challenge: Genesis - Ruth

Footsteps@Edge starts 31st July –from 4pm-5pm, for primary school kids.

Email Jess for more info:

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