Sunday 27 July 2014

Waffle and Melinda’s adventure helped us understand that the Bible is also like a ‘help manual’ for a car or a computer. The Bible helps us when we make a mistake or don’t know what to do next. It helps us get things right again. The BIKI (BIBLE KNOWLEDGE INTERFACE) told us the story of the rich man who thought he did everything right. Jesus corrected him and showed him that his problem was that his riches were more important to him than following God.
Is the robot waffle getting closer to stealing the Bible? He almost caught Melinda and the real Waffle today!

This week’s question: Name the three things, that we have learnt so far, that the Bible is like. 

Remember to learn the Bible verse for this week:
Timothy 3: 16.  All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults and giving instruction for right living.


There is no mini edge, Kool Kids or Junior Edge next Sunday. Join with our church family for the Family Service (and don’t forget lunch afterwards )

Check out the God and Me page of this blog to learn more the Bible.

Footsteps@Edge starts this Thursday, 31st July –from 4pm-5pm, for primary school kids. Email Jess for more info:

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