Sunday 20 July 2014

Today, in Junior edge, Melinda showed Waffle that the Bible is like a lamp, or a torch. Just like a lamp shows us the right way to go in the dark and leads us to where we want to go, the Bible shows us the right way to live – God’s way - and leads us to Jesus, God’s Son. Psalm 119:105 says, ”Your word is a lamp that gives light wherever I walk.”
Belinda also gave waffle the ‘BIKI’, or, BIBLE INFORMATION KNOWLEDGE INTERFACE, which helped explain how we have the Bible as it is today.
But what about the Evil Genius’s Waffle robot? Will he manage to steal the Bible from Waffle and Belinda? Be sure to come next Sunday to find out!

Remember to learn the Bible verse for this week:
Timothy 3: 16.  All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults..

This week your challenge is to know all the books of the Old Testament up to and including Esther.

This week's question: How is the Bible like a lamp?

Check out the God and Me page of this blog to learn more about the Bible.

Footsteps@Edge starts 31st July –from 4pm-5pm, for primary school kids.

Email Jess for more info:

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