Sunday 16 March 2014

Today, in Junior Edge, we learnt that Peter lied three different times about knowing Jesus, but Jesus didn’t make Peter pay for what he did. Jesus forgave him for free.
Just as Jesus forgives us for the wrong things we do, he wants us to forgive each other. When someone is mean to you, Jesus doesn’t want you to hold on to the bad feelings. He doesn’t want you to be mean back to that person. He wants you to forgive them.
When we don’t forgive for free we can lose friends and hurt those we care about. When we are angry or hurt because of what someone has done to us, we need to get FLIPT – to live like Jesus and forgive others for free.


Remember to learn the Bible verse for this week:

Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13

Next week come with a story about how you forgave someone this week, or tell us about it on this blog. Remember you get a sticker for writing on the blog as well as telling us in the Week Speak Out.  See you next week.

Check out the God and Me page of this blog to learn more about what God says about FORGIVING OTHERS.


  1. when I post something, what is the risk of me being a robot?

    1. With your sense of humor, Josh, I think the risk is pretty low!

  2. check the first blog you created please.
