Sunday 23 March 2014

Today in Junior edge we saw how Jesus stood up for what was right when he cleared the temple of money changers. He knew that they were cheating people and this made him very angry. The temple should have been a place where people came to worship God, but it had become a place that was dishonouring to God.
Most of the time standing up for what is right is a very hard thing to do. It takes courage. But if we get FLIPT, Jesus will give us the courage we need to STOP AND STAND. He wants us to stand up for what’s right, so He’ll help us do it.

Remember to learn the Bible verse for this week:

Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Next week come with a story about how you stood up for what is right this week, or tell us about it on this blog. Remember you get a sticker for writing on the blog as well as telling us in the Week Speak Out.  See you next week.

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