Saturday 29 March 2014

Imagine a friend who is better than anyone you’ve ever met. Someone who will never let you down, someone who understands everything about you, who is always there to talk to; someone who gave up everything to be friends with you and who wants to hang out with you forever.
Well, you can have a friend like that if you’re willing to make the most important FLIP of all. It’s a FLIP that will change your life forever. It’s a FLIP that will make you Forever Friends . . . with Jesus.
So how can you become Forever Friends with Jesus?                 It’s easy. You just have to pray and . . .
ADMIT that you’ve done wrong things and ask God to forgive you
BELIEVE that Jesus is God’s Son and that he died on the cross to take the punishment for all the wrong stuff you’ve done.
CHOOSE to follow Jesus and live God’s way

HERE'S THE FLIP!  Being Friends with Jesus is as easy as A–B-C

Remember to learn the Bible verse for this week:

For God so loved the world that He have His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

If you have made the FLIP to become Forever Friends come next week with a story about how you told one person this week that you are friends with Jesus. See you next week.

The question for this week: What does the ‘B’ stand for?

Next week is our last session of FLIPT. Don’t miss out! You’ll discover that following Jesus is worth it!

Even though next Sunday is the first Sunday of the month, Junior edge, Kool Kids and mini edge will be on.


  1. I had a stroke of luck on my birthday! Everything went good

  2. I'm so glad you had a good birthday, Joshua. Did you do anything special? Did you have a party to celebrate? Remember that when we become Forever Friends with Jesus there is a lot of celebrating going on in heaven!

  3. the party is today. ( 6/04/14 ) it is a nerf war. I have been planning for
